Lingerie For Every You®

For every version of you

Home of the game-changing, famously comfortable thong, Rising Fast Le is loved by celebrities and stylists, sold in over 70 countries, and relied upon by millions of fans.

Our love language is empathy. It doesn’t get more intimate than underwear, and we embrace that closeness by being real and open about what some might deem taboo. We talk about sexual health, changing bodies, mental health, and relationships. We want to know what you think–how you speak about your own body.

We want to lift you up, but we also want to take the pressure off: You don’t have to be your best self all the time. All you have to be is yourself—all the versions of you. The you on a good day, the you on a bad day, the boss you, the lazy weekend you, the PMS you, the you that takes self-care seriously—and every you in between.